Monastic Life at Edgware is based on the three Benedictine Vows taken by each Nun :


“Obedience” means “to listen intently,” and this vow is undertaken in a spirit of faith and love in following Christ who was obedient to the will of the Father. It requires that a nun listens intently to the voice of God as it is manifested in the Sacred Scriptures and the teachings of her superiors.


This vow of “Stability” binds the Nun in both body and spirit to the Community of her profession for the rest of her life, where she serves under both a Rule and an Abbess.

“Conversatio Morum”

“Conversatio Morum” means “Fidelity to the monastic way of life”
This third vow encompasses all aspects of the total self-offering of the Nun to God. Under this vow are included the evangelical counsels: poverty and chastity, which commit the Nun to a renunciation of personal possessions and embracing celibacy for the sake of the kingdom.