How to donate
Supporting the Community of St Mary at the Cross in its ministry, especially that of Henry Nihill House…
The Sisters of the Community of St Mary at the Cross, Edgware Abbey, are very grateful for the support that they receive from kind well-wishers. The donations support the Sisters in their ministry at Edgware Abbey providing a venue for Retreat, for Quiet Space, for Rest and Renewal, and especially the Care service that takes place in Henry Nihill House.
Henry Nihill House Care Home with Nursing is a ‘not-for-profit’ home in the voluntary sector, owned by the Edgware Abbey Charitable Trust, it is the charitable work of the Community of St Mary at the Cross, carried out in our Christian Ethos (since our Foundation in 1866): "all are cared for as Christ himself" [Rule of St Benedict ch 36] and as Jesus said “what you have done for the least of my brothers and sisters, you have done unto me” [Matthew 25:40]. Henry Nihill House offers a service to people of all faiths or of no faith. All are very welcome.
We greatly value the kind support of friends and benefactors which helps to maintain the very high standard of care enjoyed by our residents at Henry Nihill House; all gifts and donations are gratefully received.
If you wish to support the charitable works of the Community of St Mary at the Cross, especially the ministry of care at Henry Nihill House: Please make cheques payable to ‘EDGWARE ABBEY’. We can only claim Gift Aid when it goes through the Edgware Abbey trust.
If you would like to make a regular gift by Direct Debit or Standing Order, monthly or quarterly, this enables budgeting for the future.
If you are a UK Taxpayer, and are able to Gift Aid your donation, this means that we can claim an extra 25pence from HMRC on each £1 that you donate to ‘Edgware Abbey’.
If you wish to leave a Legacy for the work and ministry of our Charity in a Will, leaving either a Residual or a Pecuniary Legacy, this will help support our future ministry and care work. This may be done by a simple statement:
“I bequeath to: The Edgware Abbey Charitable Trust, Community of St Mary at the Cross, Edgware Abbey, 94A Priory Field Drive, Edgware, Middlesex. HA8 9PU. Registered Charity Number 209261. For the general purposes of the Charity, to be used at the discretion of the Mother Abbess and Trustees, the sum of ……….., free of all taxes and incidental expenses. Signed…”
Gift Aid Forms and Standing Order Forms are available from the Community of St Mary at the Cross, Edgware Abbey.